Alarm clock starts up again.

Months ago, when it was warmer, there was a thing called the "Grand- Prix- Alarm- Motor for fairies and those married to them but for all others also".
This consisted of a friendly voice on the telephone, who would recall that a Grand Pricks, sorry Prix, day was upon you, and even, in times of stress, would inform you that if you had missed the race 'so and so' had won.
This latter service was muchly appreciated by those who had only been able to put their Video recorders on, and who weren't able to watch directly.
The service was completely free of charge, and was done with malicious glee!
This season, the service will undergo certain changes, the Internet being available, but I won't go into details - be surprised!
Suffice to say, for the moment, that Sunday sees the start again.
The photo coming up tells you all about the Formula 1, I ask myself what the "pits girlies" that one sees, are good for?

F 1 Racecar 3
Grand pricks for fairys
Smiley personnalisé
Grand pricks for fairys and others
Smiley personnalisé

There will also be a little spot about the "NEW" way of making comments-instituted by Google to make life easier!!!!!!!!!


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