Passport problems – again ! lundi 29 octobre 2007 -

(published 5/12/2007)

I knew it ! As soon as I got this passport in my hands, and congratulated myself that this would probably be the last time I would have a new one and pay for the pleasure( !), I had a strange feeling in the back of my mind!

No – it wasn’t that I’d be living for another 30 odd years (making another 2 passports necessary) because I won’t be, and in any case, from the next one onwards, I think I get them FREE!

No – it was something else which bothered me, somewhere!

Then I thought – well - probably my nagging thoughts had to do with the probability that Britain will have introduced PID’s (Personal Identity Cards) during the validity of this new passport, but at what price?

They” are capable of doing so, just to get at me and others of my age (and older). Free Passports? Well – yes, but you’ll still have to pay for the new ID Card, without which you won’t get a free Passport! Now, after this weekend’s SNP conference, I hear that my leaders are to present a “programme of independence” to London, probably

meaning that in about 9 years, 360 days, Scotland will become independent! Nothing against that – get rid of those “landed English Gentry” maybe – but, I suspect, just in time for me to have already paid for a UK ID Card, just in time for my UK Passport to have no further validity – as a SCOTTISH citizen, and therefore just in time for me to order (and pay for) two new bits of cardboard! Here are a couple of photos taken in preparation for these likely events. (as everyone knows me now, and as none of you have ever seen me!)

They tell me that if all Scotland’s earnings (from gas, oil, fishing, tourism, and Gawd knows what else) were to come to Scotland, and not to London, we (the Scots and Picts and Celts etc) would be the 3rd richest nation in Europe, and the 6th richest in the World!! That is really some famous Hope I get to see some of that brass! It’ll help me pay for all the documents I’ll be needing to stop me going BARMY!

(give me a nudge and I’ll move!)


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