I'm trying a thing......

It's called "Zemanta" and it's an "add-on" for Firefox browsers! Basically it opens a sort of sidebar when you're writing an article, and proposes images, text amongst other things.

Mozilla FirefoxImage via Wikipedia

As you can see, I typed "Firefox" and it gave me this image to insert, simply by dragging it to the main text portion of the page....!

Now - that being the case, let me try something else...!

Let's try the rival - "Internet Explorer":

Windows Internet ExplorerImage via Wikipedia

Hey-ho - that worked as well!
Let's finish for today and give it a tough one: "iwmpop" -
WHAT - don't know me...? Get yourself a life - programme Zemanta.....!

OK - let's try something simpler: "naughty girlies?"
Yes - I thought you might have something about that.....!
(Sorry "Ed Yourdon" - hope it's not your wife..but it wasn't me - it was "ZEMANTA"...!

Naughty tricks #2Image by Ed Yourdon via Flickr

Incidentally, I notice it gives links at the bottom as well - at least BEFORE publishing!
Let's see what it does AFTER publishing!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice WEEKEND >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Enhanced by Zemanta


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