Tower of Babel......

One of the problems of trying to arrange Sites, Blogs and other things as simple as e-mails, in different languages (in my case English, French, German) is the fact that outside of English, they all have accents which tend not to be available except by using a translator or spell check program, either added to a browser or separate from it.
There are many variations from FREE to VERY EXPENSIVE and from the downright awful to exceptionally good.
So - let's go searching....since I can't get spell checker to work correctly on Chrome or Fikrefox.
Logo used from the start of the Chrome project...Logo used from the start of the Chrome project until March 2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Firefox word mark. Correct clear spac...English: Firefox word mark.From (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I tend to use the browser Chrome, because it's normally the best, followed by Firefox. The spell checker built in the program had been always adequate. It's not really a dictionary or word searcher I need, just the accents and figure - now they are not working - either of them. Maybe they'll come back, but till then it's damned difficult!
That's what this article is all about - I discovered a newish free programme called "im Translator"- let's see if it works........!
Well - I just tried it and it didn't make ANY sense at all so I went back to Google (see below) and found - on right side of this page - and with some of the old mistakes from "Google Translate" - but still the best - and FREE -I was able to do the following...Of course - you may have to make corrections or add text/images (like the one at the top of this article)!

"L'un des problèmes de tenter d'organiser Sites, blogs et d'autres choses aussi simples que les e-mails, dans différentes langues (dans mon cas français, anglais, allemand) est le fait que, en dehors de l'anglais, ils ont tous des accents qui ont tendance à ne pas être disponible sauf en utilisant un traducteur ou correcteur orthographique programme, soit ajoutée à un navigateur ou séparés de lui. Il existe de nombreuses variantes, de la gratuité, à très cher, et de l'horrible carrément, au qualité exceptionnelle.  (Crédit photo: Wikipedia) Anglais: marque verbale Firefox. (Crédit photo: Wikipedia) - J'ai tendance à utiliser le navigateur Chrome, parce que c'est normalement le meilleur, suivi par Firefox. Le correcteur orthographique intégrée dans le programme avait toujours été adéquate. Ce n'est pas vraiment un chercheur dictionnaire ou un mot dont j'ai besoin, juste les accents et la figure - maintenant ils ne travaillent pas - Attendez - qu'est ce que c'est ....?
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