Cevennes and a Scotsman

Image result for Stevenson, Robert Louis
Robert Louis Stevenson - Author.
It is said by jealous people that there are Scottish people everywhere on the surface of this Globe!  
Few of them make such a mark as this one in the literary world:

It so happens I find myself, a Scotsman and aspiring author, now living in the area in which he spent quite some time and wrote a few stories and essays' about, 'The Cevennes'  Image result for The Cevennes France

Here it was that he went around on a Donkey and wrote later his work:
Image result for The Cevennes France
Pont du Gard
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travels_with_a_Donkey_in_the_C%C3%A9vennes    ....       
I was reminded about this on the news today, because they were talking about a meeting of a Society dealing solely with this route taken by Stevenson. The same route apparantly attracts some 6,500 visitors, yearly to WALK the same way. I have seen at least one who did it in the same way -
Didn't have a carriage, but it did the trip!
on/with a Donkey, right here in my Village, Vauvert which is also a Station on the famous 'Chemin de la Compostelle', a much longer wander route see below: 


Stevenson was of course much better known for 'Treasure Island' and a few more books, but he was also a formidable Travel Writer.

As I said, Scotspeople are everywhere and their customs are followed everywhere, even here in the South of France.....!
Local (French & British) Group practicing in Vauvert.


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