
Showing posts from April, 2010

Enfin - la solution!IN ENGLISH.....!

I've given this tip to the French on "Vauvert Village" , so it's only right to allow the English speakers the same chance.....! ******** Find all grandmother's good old tricks! ! From the lost receipe to the pratically magical trick , is there to help us to find and share this tips and tricks , often economic and ecologic , which help us day after day. The 10 latest tips added : How to cure earache. How to get rid of hangover. How to get rid of cats. How to start fire in fireplace. How to get nice nails. How to get rid of ants. How to get rid of mice. How to get rid of blackheads. How to get rid of spiders. How to get rid of hiccups. One of the Tips : Making labels stick in the freezer To stick for good and all the labels on the food boxes that you keep in the freezer, simply replace glue with a little whipped egg white. Those labels will beco... [Read this Tip] The Top-10 of your favo...

iwmpop mrlemarquis vous envoie la carte "1st of May 2010"

Bonjour, iwmpop(mrlemarquis) a créé spécialement pour vous une carte de vœux intitulée " 1st of May 2010 ". Un message vous y attend. Pour la découvrir, cliquez ici . Bonne journée L'équipe de Copains d'avant Vous souhaitez envoyer une carte à votre tour ? Faites votre choix parmi plus de 16 catégories (Anniversaire, Fêtes, Amour, Humeurs…) et plus de 1000 cartes différentes. Choisir une carte Nos magazines - 30 chaînes thém...

Spring on the cheap....!

Seen, studied and bought for 2.99euros at "Lidl" in Vauvert - 15 days or so ago. I counted all the buds, and worked out that's about 15cts the flower! That seems worth it, for flowers that stay bright and fresh for at least a week - each! I can even eat them in salads, which I can't do with the other flowers in my appartment - they're in plastic.....!

"Cloud" Stuff - from Google!

This is real "cloud" stuff from Google, and - without doubt in my mind - the next issue that "disbelievers" will pick the bones of Google over...! Don't forget - NOBODY (certainly NOT Google) demands or insists that you use Google products, but the problem is that they are excellent, and in particular - THEY ARE FREE.....!(Ed) ************* Product Reviews Net » Computers Product Reviews Net Google Cloud Print: Chrome OS’s Local Printing Solution Posted: 23 Apr 2010 08:43 AM PDT When Google launch their Chrome OS (hopefully later this year) they will be bringing a relatively new concept (cloud computing) to the mainstream, apparently one big challenge for Google has been creating a print system for local printers. As the operating system will be entirely web-based you will not be able to simply put in your driver CD and install your printer, instead Google need to develop a reliable system ...


home Message from : It's the weekend - weather lousy...? This should keep you busily entertained! C'est fin semaine - meteo pas amusante...? Voici de quoi a vous amuser! Just click! Clic suffit! Go on - Allez y!     Nice Weekend - Bonne fin semaine! home "telecoms"-deuxiemepartie.. 2009-part2 afewamusingnewsarticles ahoui-laréputation! allthingsbright&beautiful! avendre-pournoël...! ...

mrlemarquis vous recommande cette page de L'Internaute Magazine

Bonjour, mrlemarquis a pensé que cette page de L'Internaute Magazine : Les Britanniques avouent être les plus gros buveurs de l'UE pourrait vous intéresser.  Article de l'Internaute - photos insérée par Mr le Marquis.     C'est la fête - semble-t-il......?  ************ Le message de mrlemarquis : EN: Biggest boozers-the Brits-didn't want to insult you, so it's only a link in French - you could use Google to translate it!  ************ FR: On le savait depuis toujours!" Répondre à mrlemarquis Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture et une bonne journée. Cordialement, L'équipe de L'Internaute Magazine Nos magazines - 30 chaînes thématiques Voyage | Week-end | Actualité | Animaux | Cinéma | Télévision | Santé | Automobile … Tous nos magazines Nos services pratiques Programme T...

Questions that are NEVER asked....!

I've just been listening to another one of those radios programmes, you know, the ones like the TV programmes who say that they pride themselves on informing us - the public - to the absolute best of their ability. They're probable not going to like this article, like a lot of other people, but I feel that it is now necessary to ask the questions. I had hoped that somebody, somewhere, would take the risk of getting fired by the Beeb or someone else, and ask those questions that are NEVER asked, and to which most people would love an answer. At the moment, a great deal of talk in all the Media about the Church (particularly the Catholic one, but I daresay that others are just as concerned in the subject). Paedophilie, homosexuality, simple - straight forward questions about life - questions that touch everyone, and to which we never get an answer, mainly because the questions are never asked! ******* I don't know how many Priests, nuns, vicars, clergymen...