Great Grape Robbery - Criminal overtime......!
I wanted to tell you about this yesterday, but I had a few misgivings, and thought it may be better to await developements - but there haven't been any, as yet! Now, I've heard about overtime being forced onto people - Police, Nurses, Doctors and more - in a vaguely criminal manner, but this beats the lot, and is so ingenious that the mind boggles. The known facts are simple, but rather difficult to beleive. It seems that a band of "wrong-doers" got busy on last Sunday evening and night, close to Montpellier in Southern France - not far from me. It seems that they (and it is to be presumed that they were more than one) managed to go to a vineyard, and over the period Saturday night/Sunday were able to "harvest" over 30 TONNES of........GRAPES...! The most unbeleivable part is that they managed to do so without attracting attention, without being seen - by anybody! Now, to understand just how unbeleivable this is, you must know that although vineyards ...