Bankers,Lawyers,Brokers,Dentist and many more are all in there...
I suppose this little place is where my so-called "assets" are in hiding....! It really wouldn't be so bad if it was, although it doesn't look terribly secure to me, but I would just like to be informed of the fact! Having to deal with different systems of banking, in different countries and currencies world wide, I can assure you that ONE thing is always the same, no matter what currency and no matter what isn't the client who is going to be enriched or content with the "service" it with this Institution who is nominally responsible for verifying the validity of a cheque, .......or this one, which is supposed to authorise the payment of the same but doesn't, or takes so long that you could almost get the impression they think you're going to forget.......or this one..... which is supposed to inform me that a payment has arrived- finally- onto my Account but doesn't! Starting with the first one, I never wis...