
Showing posts from July, 2012

At home and away........!

 What.......Not happy.......? Imagine....... Why ever not?  Doing something useful...! Sorry - gotta go to my 2nd  home - CHU Nimes (Hospital at Nimes)!

Because...... Because..........

You're Welcome......

USE THE TRANSLATION SERVICE FROM GOOGLE.......... Vauvert dans le GARD. Cette situation géographique en fait une destination privilégiée, tant pour découvrir : • la Petite Camargue (Gallician : 7 Km, les Saintes Maries de la Mer : 30 Km), • les villes romaines et leurs arènes (Nîmes : 15 Km, Arles : 30 Km), • les plages de la Méditerranée à moins de 25 Km (le Grau du Roi, Port Camargue, La Grande Motte, Palavas), • ou les Basses Cévennes (Alès : 40 Km, Le Vigan, Florac, Anduze, Uzès). La maison carrée à Nîmes Chevaux en Camargue Pour les amoureux de la nature, la petite Camargue offre des paysages magnifique et rares  : canalettes, roselières (étendues de roseaux utilisée pour les toits de chaume et les cabanes de "gardians") étangs et marais où la faune et la flore sont très riches : oiseaux migrateurs : colverts, souchets, pilet, tadornes, foulques, macreuses, oies cendrées, flamants roses pou...

Daring to hope.....?

Well, the question now is......."Dare I hope....?" Just 3 months ago I weighed in at around 95 kilos (190 lbs) and through illness, I rapidly lost weight so that I went down to 75 kilos (150 lbs) in a very short time.  (Not myself!) The Doctors, specialists or generalists had no ideas - no solutions, simply suggesting more food, more often. This was the first time Doctors had ever told me to eat eggs, if I liked them, as often as I could - or wanted to! They are a high quality but easily "arrangable" only problem is that if I'm not wrong, it's only a short while ago I was being told they are not a good thing for us cardiacs'......! Well it seemed to me that the more logical solution would be to find the reason for my extreme weight loss - and "remedy" it - but how....? Then.......a few days ago, I was told finally that there had been a specialist who had made the suggestion that a certain medicament should be taken to allevi...

A tribute.......

Image I feel a little tribute is required for the author of this blog, both for her blog and for her amazingly good and extensive help and assistance to me over this last 6 months or so, an amazingly difficult period in my life. Without her help, I would, without doubt, no longer exist. It is very difficult for somebody like myself, totally habituated to organising, arranging everything, to suddenly be incapable of doing practically anything in my own life, and only the fantastic help of someone I love and who loves me could possibly get me over, if I get over, this terrible phase in my life. I am sometimes a really awkward patient, the nature of things make me impatient and irritable, and Tina Concetta appreciates this, and I always try to apologise as quickly as I can. It's not an excuse, I know, but illness often changes people at given times and occasions, and not many people appreciate this. I do, with Tina, some of the experiences she h...

Summer,Winter, Spring and Autumn.....

Well, it looks (and feels) as though summer is back again. We had quite a long wait for the real Southern France heat of summer to invade our area, although never really particularly cold or even out of the ordinary, it was certainly not the usual heat, and only into late June did it finally give a little taste of real warmth the area is capable of giving."TC" (aka "her indoors") suffered a little during the first heat, but it didn't last too long, and she developed her own system of dealing with it, mainly hunched up in front of the mobile air conditionning plant,  which I personally usually keep turned off except for maybe a couple of days now and then.....mainly due to the noise the thing makes. She insisted on being used to this unseemly racket, something I find difficult to beleive, since I personally can't take more than a couple of minutes of it, particularly not in the bedroom! Things weren't helped either, of course, by the situation regardin...