Just coming up to this age and not wearing it terribly well, you get to reflecting about the past events. The future doesn't really have any place, except for certain things. I thought that I would republish my article as follows with some additions and regarding my current Currently my main preoccupation is the future of my current companion, Tina. To finally get her 'Carte Vitale' (an insurance card for the French National Health System) - this is taking a long time! To get a better and working 'top up' insurance for her and to try to get her walking more often, look after her health better and learn the French language well enough to communicate urgent matters or even just have fun speaking the language of Molière.......... For myself, whilst not clinging desperately to life, I would like a few years together with her, normal years with visits, friends, restaurants and all the rest..... who knows......maybe? My article, already published some years ago...