
Showing posts from May, 2017

New Rules.....

As you are probably aware, after such a long period of looking at my images, reading my words (for which I thank you all profoundly), health and age have not crept up upon me, they have more taken charge of me! I am a convinced and confirmed European, as most of you are aware, and on this day, when new things are happening in Europe - the change in France of an era, voting in Germany in NRW (Nord-Rhine Westfalen), a New President in France, it seems appropriate, to me, to take stock of my personal affairs - so far as I can, in the hope that the situation elsewhere in this World can be arranged, particularly in the USA where total chaos reigns. Firstly to arrange my Weblogs - they will be appearing less frequently, to allow me the time to concentrate on my 'Autobiography'. They may still be simply 'updated'. So long as the Internet exists, they will be available. Finally, but most importantly, I must try to arrange the situation with my Companion, Tina Concetta Mar...