Brand new Marquis!

As my mate "chippie" said to me "You are getting me into trouble with her-indoors" (and that after bathnight too) I knew the time had come to change the Marquis. On top of that, I think I understand a little bit more of what is going on (very famous last words), but it's a hell of a lot of work. Lost are all my reminiscing on Beaujolais Nouveau, that wonderful fish called Bonite (a small tuna) my hysterically funny letters about blogg and bluggers(!) and all the rest. Gone too are all those photos I never wanted to post on the site, and certainly not in double!
Sponge-over, and let me try again. If the same thing happens, I will no longer be a Google fan!
Incidentally, have a look at the other blogspot which seems (for the moment) to work correctly. It's URL is: and has some nice photos of a Southern French Village (if you live in cold,damp climes, the sunshine in the photos will warm you up!


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