Matter over brains or vice-versa?

Now I know nothing about what goes on inside a Computer. I'm not too bad at using the things, as my mate Chippie knows to his cost, and I suspect I'm not alone in this.
There are 3 types of people it seems, those who don't know and don't care what goes on inside intel, and don't care either, so long as the damned thing works.
Then those who don't care if it works or not, so long as they have understood the inside of the intel but will never use it.
Then those who don't give a damn outside or inside, using it or not, and think that the best thing anyway, is simply not to commuicate at all!
The latter I have a great knowledge of. Explain to them that they can join a different provider (for telephone calls, on-line and other forms of communication etc) who will give them anything up to 95% cheaper rates for the same service, and they will look at you as if your are barmy!
Not a question of price, they won't say, but that is the fact.
Actually, the truth is that the more and quicker and easier and cheaper we can communicate in these "latter days" the less we
do so. The fact of the matter is that we need to take a certain amount of time, and we don't have it! We have to have the creativity as well, but we don't have it! We need to interest ourselves and show concern over the lives and fate of others, but we don't, and those of us who did (and sometimes still do) are considered to be a pain, mixing ourselves up in things which don't concern us - so we give up, and we stop!
This is where BLOGS come in, because we can air such opinions and feelings in general, without being direct. After all, this Blog is available to all and sundry, who can read and write (becoming rarer in numbers).


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