El Papa - Big Daddy - Le Pere - Uns Vater - etc......
These are the only ones I could find, or create - I don't think they are very appropriate!!
pope/papa/vater/father/holy BUT DON'T SAY THAT Mr le Marquis isn't up-to-date!! (Look at the date and time of this article!!)Let's start again:
That better?
In any case, I know that all over the world, the following things are being said:
Bloody Pope's a kraut! That was quick - it must have been rigged - He's a German after all!Who the hell is the pope?These are things which God, not man, arranges! Time for a pint?
And many more!
My cat (the much quoted "Granite de l'Oasis") whispered in my ear: "El papa esta morte- papa!
- any more tuna fish going?" (In fact, she whispered "God" instead of "Papa" - after all who gives her all her food?) Cunning, intelligent and beautiful is my cat!Anyway, I note that the new Pope (chief) of the Catholic church, is a Bavarian German,which will please many, and dis-please many! I presume he is to be considered as a member of the human race, someone with a new job, someone I don't know, whose job I don't know, and whose beliefs are not the mine, but I wish him all the best anyway!!
Change the flag - put a skirt on - and you're there!