It's Friday again.

It's Friday, my days off can start - no more gardening or doing stuff indoors for old ladies, until Monday evening! Not a lot has happened this week, I'm still waiting for my sympathetic credit-shark to turn up trumps, I'm still waiting for my lotto numbers to turn up (which, considering that I don't play, would be annoying) and I'm still scratching at night!!
We've had upwards of 35C for the last 2 weeks or so, and last night, at 2330hrs (when I go to bed roughly) it was still 28C, and a little on the heavy side. We are not so far from the Pyrenees, and only 3 miles from the coast, so normally, at this epoch of the year, we can count on 4/5 days of heat, and then a thunderstorm or two in the evening/night to cool us down. Unfortunately, we haven't had the thunderstorms yet. We've had the heavy menacing clouds, but nothing has dropped, so it's like trying to sleep in a greenhouse. This makes you scratch like crazy, and with the little bestialities which turn up every May/June (little midges that bite), you are guaranteed at least 2 hours a night of sleeplessness. The cat doesn't have the problem, but does have her thick fur coat - so all things being equal, I think I'm better off.
A couple of things I spotted this week were the following:
Statistics - in 1954, the number of people who got married, world-wide, was 950,653. In 2003 the number had risen to 2,567,005! It was this last number which gave me cause to dispute these figures. After all - shouldn't they be EVEN numbers?
I had occasion to pass 2 or 3 days without potatoes on my diat, which led me to recall those days in the north-east of France, in Alsace, when I saw, regularly, people eating mashed potatoe sandwiches!! Literally, 2 thick slices of Alsace/German style brown bread, buttered and spread generously with thick amounts of mashed potatoe. Never seen it before, but then I recalled people in Yorkshire/Lancashire (and probably elsewhere) who loved, and still love, their "chip-butties".
Fleet Street, EC 4, has apparantly now no more journalists! It never did have any - it had many gossip merchants, who got paid for spreading malicious rumours, for drinking unbelievable amounts of alcohol, day and night, and for seducing, and generally raping, young copy boys.
The "Lord of" and the "Duke of" or the "Prince of" (all well-known columnists in their time) who spent nearly all of their time doing "party-making" in their luxurious penthouse offices in Fleet Street - or just off! As they loved to say themselves, and as their victims used to say : "no further comments will be made!"
Next week I've got to have a look and see where I can get a cheap battery for my old car, so it will start. I don't want to buy new, that would be more expensive than the car itself, so any of you people out there- think of me: Battery Eurocode 430, 65Ah, 57A.en 12 volt, to start an Audi 200 5Turbo! Free of charge preferably. Oh yes - delivery included - of course!
No great prixes this weekend is there? Good job - with the heat there is.
Have a nice weekend, and I'll try not to bother you all - too much!

LifegaurdWimbledon shortly? Anyone for tennis?

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