When the cat's away!

As you know - when the cat's away, the mice will play! It's horrible weather, so obviously Chippie and family, Wacky-backy and family, and all the rest are on their way into their well-deserved (?) holidays'. I'm going to play - with my NEW tool-bar.
I'm not being unfaithful to my smileys, but I just wanted to try out these new things - to see if and when and how they worked!!
Here we go!!

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon icons Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsUpgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsUpgrade your email with 1000's of cool animations So what do you reckon to these? A bit page-consuming ain't they! Maybe I will use them now and again!!

parentNode.height) this.height = parentNode.height;if (parentNode.width != '' && this.width > parentNode.width) this.width = parentNode.width;" border=0>
Finally sorted it out, at the cost of my non-existant anonymity!
Add this card to your address book

Upgrade Your Email - Click here!


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