New ideas on "MarquisduGalipot!"

NO! NO! NO! never again -thanks to Mr le Marquis du Galipot!!

Everyone is STILL on holiday, except mr le Marquis! He still can't afford it, and has been waiting in vain for your subscription cheques/postal orders/card payments etc!
SO: He has decided from after holiday times (around October 2005) a new and attractive monthly feature will make it's appearance on these pages.
"La cuisine du Marquis" will appear roughly once a month, and will take the form of a 4 course meal, prepared and eaten by Mr. le Marquis during the same period, and will explain (in simple terms) how to do it - will give tips to shorten the time necessary (Mr le Marquis doesn't use conserves, but will give you all tips on how to do so in the recipes concerned).
A shopping list, ideas for adapting to your "part of the world" style of cookery, wines and aperos which go well, and the PRICES of items (HERE IN FRANCE) so you can compare a little.
I hope it may be amusing and interesting - and you really should give these recipes a go, because mr. le Marquis has taken (or will take) into account the various preferences of diverse nationalities and their different (or non-existant) taste buds!

The French will tell you that this stuff is the only apero that exists, but Mr le marquis knows better, and can't stand this stuff anyway!


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