Dedicated to Chippie and PFC

This is GILLINGHAM, KENT- On the Thames estuary, once upon a time a thriving eel-industry, now jellied, now become a sort of "dead-dormitory" place, where nothing ever happens until POMPEY come.

A simple, peace-loving little village, not really too far away from Portsmouth. GILLINGHAM,GILLINGHAM,GILLINGHAM,GILLINGHAM.
But I mustn't repeat myself, my mate chippie might get upset if I mention GILLINGHAM too often!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
Ah! Gillingham managed by an Englishman. Portsmouth managed by a Frenchman. Quality will out you know.So let the English stick to the game they invented and let the French stick to throwing oversized ball bearings down the gravel road, a game they invented, or was it the Spanish?
iwmpop said…
Ah well Anonymouse, that's progress! Doesn't alter the fact that Gillingham is supposed to be a nice place is Gillingham!
By the way, I'm sure it was the Scots who invented football and golf and curling and ........and .....
Anonymous said…
OK, OK, I know you Scots are geniuses/brilliant/and if we all were so handsome as Mr le Marquis, the world would be a pleasenter place for Tinkerbelles, but unfortunately most of us are like me!

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