Is it just a feeling?
Why do I have this strange feeling that I am being watched, that my courriel is being controlled? Why, when I try to publish articles like the last one (if it has appeared) do I have enormous problems with the PC, for what should be a simple task? Why, when I want to send a personal letter to my niece, by means of "outlook" (slower than outlook express, and therefore more controllable) do I suddenly have many obstacles placed in my path?
If I say now, I loved E. Hoover (although he loved little boys, and I don't) or if I say that I find US and US politics, themes, attitudes,politiciens,people etc, the best in the world - will that help to have fewer problems? Can I get this published, and the last one too - so I can do what ALL elderly, retired spies should do at such a late hour - GO TO BED WITH MY CAT!
If so - I love you all out there in MSN,Google,AOL etc.......................................!