J&B - Whisky or Spy - or both?

Crown Looking back over the last month or so and the headlines which accompanied us all, whether we noticed them or not, I was struck by the story of the so-called "con-man" who was able to embezzle many people by his stories of the activities done by himself, in the name of Her Majesty, and in the ideals of "Crown,Queen and country!" Wish I had thought of it, but since most people already take me for a "suspicious" type, then all I can do is deny all such implications, and give the date necessary (the month of March 2025- that fulfills the 50 years) - unless I'm still alive - or if the Russians/East Germans/Irish and all the other terrorist elements, have suddenly re-developed and represent, once again, a threat! From my own experiences, the thought of doing it all again is as follows:

Queen and Country
Smiley personnalisé

It's quite nice leading a simple, if aristocratic, life, somewhere in the sticks of nobody knows where.

James Bonds have a tendency to end up dead eventually. True - they have had a goodish life, too hectic for me now, and I think I would prefer the position and place of the man who wasn't James Bond. Behind bars it can be calm, 3 meals a day, medical treatment free of charge, and sufficient paper and ink to recount the REAL stories! Or would they really be so underhand as to censor things written that would never leave the prison? After all - "partners in crime" and all the rest!


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