Update.(As promised)!

Old Man I promised, so here is the first update.
I received the information, today, that the dossier applied for, by my doctor, on my behalf, had been accepted.This means quite simply that I am recognized as being the "proud" possessor of an illness/illnesses, serious enough to be considered as 100% re-emboursable on a permanent basis,
which means, in turn, that I no longer must pay anything for Ambulance to and from Doctors/Hospitals/ Treatment Centres etc.
I will no longer have anything to pay for treatment or medecinal aid in
Custom Smiley
or in Pharmacist the in-patients or out-patients services related to these illnesses are free of charge
also! Tests and examinations are covered by this measure, as well!Xray

Doctor The Doctors, Nursethe Nurses and other specialists can go begging, but not at my door! (If I had I'd give!!)
Next thing? Stay alive until my Doctor has arranged whatever is to come, examinations etc within a hospital surrounding, in greater depth, probably NOT before the New Year (2006).
Shame you have to be three-quarters dead, before they will deign to accept you!! Never mind- maybe I'll outlive the lot of them, just to spite them!


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