more bits and pieces!
Makes no real difference, everyone knows how to open the tin and get the baked beans out, but the reason behind it could be interesting.
Since the developement of the EU, and in particular since the introduction of the Euro monetary system, I've noticed that Britain, language and country, is much less respected than before. Maybe because although UK is a member of the EU, it is not a very enthousiastic member, and not a member of the Euro world at all, therefore less interesting for the sale of merchandise.
Anyway, if you don't know how to do it automatically, bring a foreign dictionarry with you to open your tins this holiday period!
They can now go outside again, and the breeders say this is good news because it will stop the "murders" committed between the birds, when confined inside.
This made me think a little about things like Council Skyscraper flat blocks, Prisons, Holiday Camps and all the other buildings /institutions where human beings are quasi "imprisoned". Does the same hold good?