August 5th to August 7th Ready Steady - GO!

Here we are - 5th August 2006, and I'm sitting waiting for my transport together with my cat, food for around 20 people, and impatience - not because it's late, but because I regret already having suggested this Monday 7th re-union! Raise The Roof 1
Kilos of Guardienne ( a sort of stew made with bulls meat, with olives and stuff) salads, cold meats, eggs, cold sauces, cheese, plus all the stuff (I hope) that the invited participants are going to bring with them(!) will have to be arranged, sorted out, presented and served, and having the task of doing so over the weekend, ready for Monday the 7th is a "doubtful" compliment! Particularly so because (knowing my French as I do) I am certain that most people will turn up half an hour AFTER official invite time, trailing plastic bags with warm ham and meats intended to be cold, and once upon a time green salads, now wilting and brownish, expecting service to be immediate, and cold with fresh things to attack!
Nerves will be strained, and I must simply try to disappear without saying anything! Bugging Out Without doubt, there will be moments when the head will spin, Doofus, but I will try to Zip It . There will, of course, be the one or the other who doesn't like anything on offer, not even that which he/she brought themselves, No , but I shall turn a blind eye, and simply think things like: We Are Not Worthy .
All this is in the name of Shaking Hands, and the girlies will blush again when they receive their so-loved (even if they say they don't like it) Kiss On The Hand. At the end of the day, if I'm not in my grave, I shall return home to the Chateau, swearing blind that 2006 WAS THE LAST TIME! Yes!

Well, there is the chateau doorbell - byebye!


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