Thank You!
Well - after all your holidays, excursions, parachuting, golfing, shopping, eating, drinking, making merry, and whatever else you all got up to, I Think you can all follow the example of the Smiley group here represented! Bow Down Wave Take a BOW, ladies, Gentlemen, boys and girls! Your efforts for the 7th August at Campagne were great, and were more than one could expect!!

I think everyone enjoyed themselves, and the good thing was that it was everyone who made it work!

That's it for compliments and tender words, mr le Marquis is back - in fine form, and ready to blether, complain, grouse, inform, misinform, amuse, annoy, and otherwise make his presence felt!!

This season, I'm going to try and round off and tie up all the loose ends, before starting off again with your much loved "Ron + Eff", followed up with more stories from the treasure chest of Mr.le Marquis, regarding his many previous lives - "Highlander" stuff!!! A few articles on more serious stuff, just me letting off my opinions from time to time!

You can always look in again on the webpage of mr le marquis-

where there are links to this site, and to other worth-while places on the Internet.

This week-end may well see the start, I beleive there is a Grand Prixes or something in the style!

I'll have to get back into the iron discipline required to create such utter nonsense, like getting up later, eating and drinking more, only take baths and showers once a year - necessary or not...........


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