If you want to read all about my problems with Google-click on the link/title (near the little orange arrow)!(iwmpop)
Wow! I found an address where I was able to unblock my Account! Why can't Google simply suggest doing this in the first place? I didn't even know they were blockable, much less that it was blocked, and even less where to go to unblock the thing!
As you can see, I got part III or IV (I've forgotten, with all the goings on) of Christmas 2006 Ron & Eff onto the site (by email) but with only a smiley as illustration!
I'll put the other illustrations (all prepared and no place to go) onto the last part, or maybe in between the parts! (Always assuming that no buggar from Blogger locks me out again!)
I'm a little bit happier, but by no way ecstatic about all this, but then, it's Christmas, folks, and I'm a forgiving type of guy!
I'm even going to give Blogger a chance to reinsert himself in our society, by posting a photo for you all! Ron & Effs hotel for Christmas!
(see top of page).