Me? Nostradamus?

This blog is in essence a relatively strict non-political, non-racial, non-religious blog. This doesn't mean that I don't tackle issues of daily life, far from it, what it does mean is that all I try to do is to point out "discrepancies", "not quite correct" or downright wrong things in this so called "modern" life. I hope that not everybody is of the same opinion as myself, and that is what the "make a comment" possibility is there for, but I do hope that what I write may give grounds enough for other people to at least think about the given subject.
I recall, some 40 or so years ago, a small voice in a wilderness, which addressed subjects "not desirable" in the society which I was obliged to live. It may also have been simply the arrogance of elders, who simply felt that a small voice of a very young person, was not to be taken seriously, and in fact had no idea what it said!

40 - or was it more, years ago, I (for it was, indeed, MY small voice) voiced various theories about various things.
I voiced things concerning the traditional way of Religious worshipping (at the time), I voiced various theories/beliefs about racial matters (at the time), I voiced various thoughts about the future (at the time).
It's quite interesting to think back over the period and see what I voiced, and what has happened since.
I did have certain advantages, I wasn't a hippy, I wasn't a beatnik, I wasn't an idiot, I wasn't a genius, I wasn't a sceptic or an alcoholic (at least not then), I didn't take myself as someone who knew the answers to everything, but I did have access (in spite of all the attempts by people surrounding me) to multiple and very varied opinions about all sorts of things, and I listened - I made my own opinions, and compared them to other opinions of the time. I made my own forecasts, without the aid of Bibles, Astrology forecasts, prophetically mysterious formulas and the rest. Having made my opinions, and having checked them thoroughly, again and again, I was armed to combat most situations in life.

Maybe that's what made many people look "askew" at me, and ask themselves (and others) if this boy's place was not more in a protected, secure environment than in a "normal" society!
One of my regular bugs was the actual and future position of the United State of America.
Just to get it right, I'm not actively "anti-American" - that would be stupid (even then I knew that) I'm just anti many things made popular through the United States of America!
Things like ketchup, McDonald's, Green cards, poverty in "rich" places, multiple ways of health treatment depending upon your $$$$ value, indiscriminate race hatred, gassing or electrifying human beings until death do arrive - so God have mercy upon your soul, or maybe the Governor will have mercy (it's more immediate) and lots of other things, probably like the average American, in fact, except that I'm not an American.
One of the things that I recall in particular having "prophesied" was what would happen later in this world, when the United States of America had finished their wild orgy of big, bigger and even bigger.
Well, I prophesied that maybe in a century or so, the World's biggest enemy would be exactly the United States of America, which was considered at the epoch as being the "defender of the free".
It seemed to me that an orgy had started with "bigger,better, more and more until it kills us" in almost all aspects of life, with the danger of overwave to Britain, Europe and the rest of the world.
I was particularly bad at school in things like mathematics, but even to me it seemed clear that one packet (the planet Earth) could only hold a certain amount, and if you used it up in double quick march, then it was finished!The problem then was that having become used to certain ideals and standards, how could you possibly continue when it was finished? A bit like my Bank Account, when it's all gone, and there's nought left, the only way to do anything is to go and rob someone else's Bank Account!
AND - of course, they may not be in agreement with such action, and may indeed defend their bank account. The result? WAR! Military action, repressive acts to the benefit of one party.
Well, I prophesied in a century's time, but we're there already! Mind you, it is a new Century!
The problem is (and I said so at the time) that whilst one side of the Planet was orgying, the other side was saving, forcibly, through non-use (to an extreme extent) of natural resources.
Russia, China, and many others didn't have access to the technology needed, so the oil, the gas, the gold, the nickel, the copper, the silver, the diamonds - everything, stayed in the ground to a greater extent.
And I said so!!............................
How many of the great experts of the epoch, both in the United States of America and elsewhere in the World, said the same thing, and just like me, their little voices weren't heard, or listened to!
-Now it's too late, the Planet is almost dead, from just around 90 years of orgying, and now it's the turn of the others to orgy!
Maybe that's the way of the world, and maybe it's better - the once rich West will not support becoming the poor, and the once poor East will not support becoming the rich- so one big bang, and lot's of whimpers!!
I think, although I'm not sure, that I should be well gone before "Destiny Day" - I sure as hell hope so!
But then - I'm a Highlander-indestructable and eternal!
(iwmpop) ..... Mr le Marquis ....... Vauvert, France .......January 2007


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