My 1st "New" Birthday.........

In a couple of weeks, my 1st "new" birthday will be upon me, and all I can think of is the following:
When I finally get to quit this wicked, wearying world, it won't be the the fault of the undoubtedly talented medical teams in Hospitals, who made it possible to open me up, cut and stitch here and ther, reclose everything and send me packing, no...... it won't be the fault of the same Hospitals' charging office, who being well informed that the Financial situation was critical on my side, decided nonetheless to force menaces of all sorts, to create the situation of stress demanded by the Doctors that must be avoided - at all price!
No....... and it won't be the fault of the Politicians, who over years have made empty promises, or have given out deliberate "mistruths" (I use this word rather than "lies" - it sounds more politically correct!) and have constantly and persistantly ignored that their acts of bad management HAVE led to different medical treatments for different types of people, based often on their financial situation.
No...... it won't be the fault, either, of all the other so called "social" agencies and services who make themselves a nice little corner, well protected by rules and regulations, never to be transgressed. Stay within your "terms of reference" and you'll be all right. One of the terms of reference, indeed the ONLY term of reference, should be to remember that all people are individuals and have therefore their own individual problems, be they permanent or temporary, and that as a social worker/helper/expert or whatever else, you have to be adaptable.
And............. it won't be the fault of all those ladies who have found employment over the last decade or so, within the warm (in Winter) and cool (in Summer) offices of all the Public Services - that is, if they are ever present, and not busily taking the son/daughter to school/doctor/dentist etc... etc.... won't even be the fault of those well wishers of "underdeveloped" countries, who prefer to see Social funds flowing freely into the pockets and Bank Accounts of Banana Republic ministers, Civil Servants. and of course, once again, Politicians - whilst thousands of their fellow Citizens are trying to live on a pittance, without work, without the possibility of work, and without the minimum Pensions, even after years and years of working and paying. That in the "civilized" countries of which the well-wishers are themselves members!
And............. it most certainly will not be the fault of Banking and In/Assurance companies, who practice, in the main, legalized theft, always with a reply to all "embarrassing" questions. Ever noticed how they seem to be the only ones, together with Governmental Agencies, who have the means to buy properties, destroy them, build something new in it's place, and rent it out at horrific prices - all that at enormous profits, of course.
Why, I asked myself, do Banks and Assurances sponsor sports teams - in the main the Professional types - instead of using the same funds to improve the lot of their co-citizens - then it hit me, the Managing Director and Band do need somewhere to go on a Saturday afternoon, and on the terraces with Mr/Mrs Normal Citizen is not their scene!
No........ it won't be any of these things or people, it'll simply be the fault of little old me, who didn't take the advice of the Doctors and every one else. You know, only eat healthy things, priced at 3 times his monthly pension, don't live in damp or humid premises or areas, live where the World is good - at 100 times his monthly pension - A DAY!! etc.........etc.......etc.......!
No one ever asked me if I wished to be born into this mudheap of a Planet, and nobody is going to (or needs to) ask me if I want to leave it.
That - strangely enough, is my fundamental satisfaction - everyone has the same start and finish!
(iwmpop) Mr le Marquis. Vauvert, France.


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