Bits and bobs!

Hello Everybody,

This is the laddy you can all thank that I can entertain you so often! I understand he is opening another foundation! Hope he thinks of me - An institution for impoverished ex-Aristocrats could be helpful. My phone number is available just about everywhere, Bill - please give me a call!
This little jewel is just to split up the monotony!
After a winter which wasn't, Spring will officially be upon us in about 4 weeks!

To prove it's already here, in my part of the world (and that for about a month already), here's a photo snapped yesterday!This laddy should grow a beard then he could be my double! (just a thought). Always being up to date with news (at least the news that interests me) here are a couple of "bits and bobs" picked up over the last few days!
Seems that all those "cowardly" soldiers who were shot at dawn - weren't! To be reinstated are their names, honour and whatever else. I suppose they will feel a lot better, and maybe their 120+ year old widows will now get an Army Pension-that'll cheer them all up! The soldiers themselves will presumably get "Posting Orders", from Hell to Heaven! Wonder how many of 'em want to go?
The above photo puts new meaning into "get your finger out"!!
Recall those old "concierge" people and windows which used to be all over France? Basically spies for the Police and Government, they had to be respected, it was only through them that one got the local gossip!

Mr Le Marquis will be finishing off his travel story to the Champagne area many years ago, in the course of the next week, and we had a lady Concierge of value, very different, one could say a real "madame"!! Read all about it next week!

Lights out! Seems that the lights are to be turned out on lots of roads in UK, in an attempt to save energy and money. Well, it's a good idea, but people now being so used to driving at high speed at midnight, with street lighting which makes day out of night may just end up in another dark and sombre place- together with the cowardly "shot at dawn" pardoned!
On this happy note, I wish you a nice Sunday, and a successfull week "in spec"!
(iwmpop) Mr. Le Marquis Vauvert, France.


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