Today! The 28th May 2007.
Is it or isn't it? Today is confusing, it's supposed to be "Lundi Pentecôte", and it is! BUT.........
Is it or is it not a Bank Holiday/Jour Fête?
To explain, the British have a day off, and they call it "Spring Bank Holiday Monday" (seems that all the British Bank Holidays are on a Monday), the Germans (in the Catholic regions) have a day off, and call it "Himmelfahrt" (I think), just the French can't make their minds up!
A couple of years ago, some politician came up with the idea of making this day a working day, all wages earned going to the Government to aid "elderly" and "sufferers from Altzheimers" financially, to install and run special clinics/homes etc.
Now this idea didn't go down very well with those people under 50 years of age, who in any case think that when you reach the age of 60/65, you should be awarded a "State euthanist award," and quietly, without making a fuss, disappear, so as not to burden the poor young people with your problems!
Strangely, they only think this up to the age of 60-65, and then (for some obscure reason) have a radical change of opinion!
Anyway, certain areas in France actually participated in the idea of voluntarily working on this day! Mainly in the North of France, because the Southerly areas of France, like where I live, refused point blank.
You see, here in the South, many local festivities have traditionally been held on this day. For example, the "Feria" of Nimes has it's last day, today, and I suppose the idea of sparing the lives of a few bulls was repugnant, and with indignation "Parisian" ideas were refused!
Interestingly enough, the places which still shut down are mainly the State run enterprises, like Tax/Administration/Town Halls/Post Offices and the rest, exactly those places where the idea to work for the "aged" came from.
The places that stay open are those which break the law all the time anyway, like Supermarkets, after all - if the people are going to carry on having a day off, they must be offered places to go to spend the money they are not earning!
Although the Admin. places are closed, imagine - the Parking meters are still working, and the Parking areas (normally free on Sundays or National Holidays) are still payable!
All very strange, all very French!
Of course, there are a couple of Institutions who make a point of not having a Free day, nor Working either! These are various Trade Unions who simply go on strike! Don't quite know how that works out for the "elderly and infirm" financement programme!
I suppose this is one of the "Gallic charms" like a few others.For example,the law in France states that ashtrays are illegal in Cafes and Pubs-could be used as weapons, and who cares anyway, after all - smoking in Public places is now "illegal", just like NOT working on this day is illegal as well, or opening Supermarkets on Sundays is strictly forbidden!
Mind you, some of the "Anglo Saxon" charms are even worse, like driving on the wrong side of the road!
These are the days and times of "regulating" Europe, so that everything happens the same - everywhere! Got to keep your sense of humour on the go!