Les 10 événements du premier semestre

Les 10 événements du premier semestre
Regardez bien - N9uf (Neuf) achetée tous qui bouge-et la Compétition, ou elle est? DANGER-DANGER-DANGER -Je suis, moi même, avec N9uf (Neuf), mais (pour l'instant) je ne suis pas tres contente! Aucun Service Clientèle qui marche, aucune réponse a mes lettres écrit, ni des réponses aux emails ou des appels téléphoniques! Seule choses qui marche SANS FAUTE est la facture et son paiement par débit direct/automatique!
This is an article which concerns itself with my much maligned (by me!) Internet and Telephone supplier!
Talking to another person close to my geographical location, I had said that I regretted changing from my old providor "Tele 2" who had been very polite, cheap and reliable. Unfortunately, they couldn't offer me the same pack as "N9uf" or "Neuf" could, so I had changed! Now - Tele2 can offer me the same pack, 10cts cheaper as well (!) but it's too late for now!
The guy I was talking to, said he had changed to Club Internet, and didn't regret it!
Well - now we all know, Club Internet, Noos, AOL France, Alice Italie, D.Telekon France, and quite a few others as well, have ALL been swallowed up by "N9uf" or "Neuf" - the mob that never reply to my letters, that are unreachable on the telephone, and who cut me off, regularly, for around 12 hours at a stretch - in the name of "repairs".
About the only thing they HAVEN'T bought up (yet) is actually "Tele2"-who I fully intend to return to once my contract with N9uf is fulfilled - unless, of course, they have been bought out, in which case I'll have to stay where I am!
Competition ? Where then ?


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