
Showing posts from September, 2007

Estimate Details - Language Translation Services - Online Translations - Translation Site - Click2Translate

Estimate Details - Language Translation Services - Online Translations - Translation Site - Click2Translate Jeeeeeez! Look at this- and I got paid 150 Euros - All for my damned Passport! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ NOTED LATER: The translation estimate was 1632 Euros, for French to English (didn't mention the French to German), in Excel Format! I was asked to inform them if I wanted to proceed, or if I had had enough! Of course, as soon as I clicked "had enough" the page was no longer available - nowhere! I suppose I could have printed it out, if I had any printer ink left, but I used it all up printing out my Translations for 150 euros! Never mind - you'll have to take my word for it! Now, all Translations I do will be Copyright protected!!


Funny title? Well, not really, because that's what the Burgermeister from Munich, in Bavaria, Germany will have to scream, when he opens the Annual "Munchener Oktoberfest" today. It means "we're on tap", and the startshot has been given! The idea is that the biggest Folksfestival in the world (named Oktoberfest, but always in September of every year) should start with the Lord Mayor hammering an enormous beertap into an even more enormous beer barrel, with a wooden mallet, in as few hits as possible, and without getting a shower of beer, over himself and the illustrious guests! Important in the area, often a Lord Mayor is valued on his ability to get the tap on (and therefore usable) with not more than 3 hits! Certain Lord Mayors, from the past, are still smarting from the slings and arrows of outragous misfortune, and being thrown out at the next election, all because he took 4 or 5 hits, or couldn't get the tap in at all, or provided the surrounders wi...

meaningoflife.jpg (Image JPEG, 684x913 pixels) - Redimensionnée (63%)

meaningoflife.jpg (Image JPEG, 684x913 pixels) - Redimensionnée (63%) Here you've got it all in a nutshell!
Under-taking things! The proof that there is "fun" in "funeral"! Just a few days back, I received one of the strangest offers I've ever had (and that's saying something)! A member of my "adopted" family, in France, deals in the undertaking business, and I've always been amazed to see just how much money is available in this "dark" side of life. Transporting bodies, doing post-mortems, selling "accessories", arranging exhibitions, selling enormously expensive Rolls Royce or Mercedes hearses- totally equipped with "freezer" boxes and a whole lot more! For some time, this "step-son" has been turning up at my home with various little "questions" - all roughly concerned with the same thing - how to translate undertaking matters into English and German! Now - I knew that what he really wanted was an offer from me to do this out of the "goodness of my heart" - but seeing the tip of the fina...

Oddcast TTS Demo

Oddcast TTS Demo Here's an amusing little thing! Just fill in the text box, in the language you want to hear spoken, choose the language you want to hear spoken, and click! Helps with pronounciation, and is about the only way to get a woman to say what you want her to say - ALWAYS, and in lots of different languages! Try it out! Free yourself from "her indoors"!

It all starts shortly!

In about 2hours and 25 minutes, it's kick-off time for a whole 6 WEEKS of impossible stuff! They call it "The Gentleman's Sport" (as seen in the photo above), and it consists of trying to kick an object (I can't call it a ball, because everybody knows that a ball is round) - oval in shape, from one side of a green space to the other, trying to avoid the avid interests of a load of opponents, capable of breaking every bone in you body, to stop you doing so. Therefore, to make it a little more exciting, the "goal" is made rather larger than in other sports, being the whole width of the green playing area. The actual bit that makes up a sort of "target area" is an "H" shaped piece of wood, of which, only the upper bit plays any role at all - if you get the oval object OVER the - in the "H", somebody gives you some points! Why bother, the rest of the "goal area", is easier, being the width of the green space allowed, a...