The English invasion of France divides into three groups - Telegraph - Sent Using Google Toolbar

Here is an article which (when I think of the subject-which is rare) speaks for me!
Having left UK more than 40 years ago, with pleasure, and having spent a maximum total of 3 months in UK since 1969 (whilst awaiting my German pension arrangements!) I suppose one could say that I'm nothing but a "European", and I am pleased to be just that! I can't wait for the day that an "International European Passport" becomes available, but I doubt that it will be in my life time!
The attitude of many, many British in France is perfectly described in this article, all I read or hear or see on "ex-pat" sites are complaints, and requests for information about the cheapest and easiest way to get BACK to UK! Obviously there ARE many others who have, like myself, adopted their new country, it's practices, its heritage, its customs and its language! They tend, however to be people that are either "married" into French families, or people who you don't hear from because they are integrated! You don't hear from them either, because they are not "obvious" in Society events, with their insistence on speaking English at any possible moment! Beleive me, the English language has a totally different rhythm about it, and I personally can tell there are Brits in a restaurant, or in a crowded scene, simply by the presence of an "unrythmatic" sound wave - Its the English language battering against the local population!
A very informative article! And very true!

The English invasion of France divides into three groups - Telegraph


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