Photos on "Flickr" - invitation.


This is an invitation to look at "" - a photo
system to share photos (free of course)- and look at some
of my photos. You can download free of charge for your own
Voici une invitation de regarder la système ""
-une système de stockage et partage des photos, gratuit
bien sur - et regarder quelques unes de mes photos. Vous
pouvez télécharger les images gratuitement, comme
d'habitude pour votre propre usage.

Just follow this link to my photos:

If the link doesn't work, try copying and pasting it from
this email into your browser's address bar.

See you on Flickr!

(iwmpop) mr le Marquis

You are receiving this email because someone you know wants
to share photos in their Flickr photostream with you. If you
are not interested, just ignore this email. Flickr won't bug
you again and there's nothing special you have to do.

To learn more about Flickr's use of personal information
please read our Privacy Policy. Flickr is located at Flickr
c/o Yahoo!, 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089.

Go to Privacy Policy:


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