Blogging - a reply.
This is the comment I made on a Web Site I subscribe to in reply to a stupid question - "Is Blogging Dead":
Blogs and Blogging - Posh and Poor..!
I just had to make a comment, because if Blogging is dead, then I'm a corpse!
I'd like to know if the chappie who wrote this blethering article has a few fingers in the well-paid, under value service of "Hosting". I have a hosting service for my Web Sites, cheap - usable, but no way as easy nor useful as the FREE services of Blogger from Google - and I pay for it!
My Web Site pages are the least visited of all my "pages" on the Web, and I have felt for quite some time that there is a sort of "snob" feeling about Web Sites and Blog Sites. Many feel that if it's not a Web Site, just a Blog Site, it's somehow worth less. What nonsense - put around probably by the scrupuless "Hosters"!
What is a Blog Site on the Web if not a Web Site...?
I personally have my own Blogs, only two, which deal with local matters and just general matters, and allow me to communicate with the local (French) population, and with a larger World Wide public.
Here, in a small village in Southern France, I have been surprised to see that - even without publicity - they are relatively well visited. People stop me in the Street and tell me how much they enjoy them, how much information they have been able to collect about their own area, and about the World in general.
I try to have something for everybody, and this occasionally annoys the one or the other, but they continue to read.
You see - one has to be aware of, and accept the fact, that there are many people out there in the real world who have a PC, Internet, all the works, but don't know how to use them, and they don't have the time (or inclination) to learn! Are these people, who just enjoy "surfing", to be ignored?
They will not subscribe to "newsletters" from sites like WebProNews (for example) because the content is way above their heads in PC terminology. They want amusement, information, photos, videos, all together if possible!
Sometime ago I offered to create and manage a Blog Web Site for a local Restaurant/Caterer/Party Organisor - free of charge (silly me..!)
After 4 weeks he asked me if it wouldn't be a good idea to stop his other "hosted" Web Site, which cost quite a lot - every month, and only put articles/publicity onto the Site if he really pushed, and only days AFTER the event, whilst I had them on his Blog Site within a few minutes!
I told him that stopping whatever was his decision.
He stopped and promptly began a debate with his old "Hosters" who accused me of "pinching" customers...!
They even went as far as threatening to "denounce" me for not declaring my earnings (I don't get any!).
The debate only stopped when I found many of my own "copyrighted" photos on their Web Sites....!
Now I may well have some earnings to declare to the Tax man!
Blogging is not dead, it is very useful, and it takes a lot of the "mystery" and "hokus-pokus" out of Computer working. Maybe the real "pro's" regret that, certainly they regret the loss of income!
Incidentally - I still do a couple of Blogs for others, free of charge, but I have been obliged to refuse quite a few requests - no time! What I DO propose, in all of the cases, is to create and install everything that is necessary, and show the people how to do it themselves. Some do - some don't!
Old motto: Give a fish to eat or teach the people how to fish......etc.