Just a few "statistics" for you.
My Sites (Blogs or otherwise) were really started to find out how to use a wicked thing called a Computer! Well - I've learnt a great deal, and I thought it interesting to add up a few facts.

When I started, I didn't know of the existance of "counters", so I suppose the first 4-5 years of Statistics are lost...gone forever, but I was amazed (when I did my adding up) to find that over the last 12 months or so, YOU have been around 6,800 visitors in total to my Sites......! Amazing, when one thinks that I do no publicity at all, and that my sites are really only a means to put my point of view and my sense of humour over.
Of course there are the few (I hope) visitors "not happy" but that is normal!

Even more surprised was I, when I did the "adding up" of visits to my bad videos (not my fault - I haven't got the good equipment needed) and to my Photo pages (Like Google Web pages, "Flick'r", Websaver and others):
10,000 visits - or nearly....! It's amazing, and although not everyone downloaded photos, I think you come back again and again to these pages just to look in. That, of course, was the idea!

is a simple word, but I'm kind of fed up with the Human Race at the moment, the majority seem to be incapable of communication, let alone Contact, so I'm very happy to have the possibility to put my views across in the manner I do.
You visited from about every country in the World - even down to countries I didn't even know had electricity, and countries which certainly don't have the same Alphabets as I do.
The strangest contacts were from China and North (and South) Korea.
I didn't understand a word (or symbol) and Google translator was in it's baby stages, and didn't translate such languages at all! Even when it started to, the translation didn't mean anything at all! I got "chat" calls on Skype (so long as I was using the programme) from China, thankfully written in good and clear English - It was nice to know that the weather was sunny in Beijing or somewhere - LIVE.....!
Mr le Marquis du Galipot (iwmpop) has the firm intention of boring you for a long time to come - as one says "only death shall us part!!" and hopes you'll carry on "looking in".
Thank you for your visits, and I'm off now to spend all my "Google" earning in one wild spree.
What can one buy nowadays with 3euros 40cents....?


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