Just so you know...! Pour que vous le savez...!
A couple of changes on this Weblog!
In an effort to make the page charge quicker, for your convenience, and in compliance with suggestions from "Blogger", I have limited the main page to 10 articles. According to Blogger, this should allow the page to load quicker. I timed it out, with a little programme, and this Weblog took roughly 1minute and 10 secs to load completely. Depending on your Internet connexion, this can be quicker or slower, and now with my changes - it should be quicker!
Another important point - the articles you don't see on the main page aren't lost - you can find them in "ARCHIVES"
Final point - when a change is made to an existing article (as is the case of "Picasa 3" videos - see below) the article is NOT REPUBLISHED as a new article, so it stays in the same position!
You could have missed some "updates" or changes - have a look!
Quelques changements ont été fait sur ce Blogspot. Pour que la page se charge plus vite, j'ai limitée le chiffre d'articles sur la page principale a 10 articles. Ceci ne veut pas dire que les autres sont perdus - ils se trouvent dans "ARCHIVES".
Autre chose - il a des changements de temps en temps aux articles déjà publiée, donc c'est possible que vous avez rate des "mises au jour" sur certaines articles (voir "PICASA 3 vidéos en bas) - Allez regarder!