New style President required.


(My opinion)
No -nothing to do with Obama, I'm talking European.

What to do.

The much maligned "European Constitution" - refused by the Irish in their wisdom, will eventually be ratified, whether the European Citizen likes it or not - and quite rightly.
Anybody who doubts the necessity either hasn't watched the recent events, doesn't care, doesn't understand, simply is a protestor against everything and anything - or is Irish..!
The current "European President" system is useless, time wasting, dangerous and commands little or no respect from others in the World.
As misfortune would have it, the most recent change of European Presidential duties fell at a moment in the planet's history when change, but continuity and intense internal knowledge was the uppermost requirement.
Instead of a European President from a country commanding World respect, with a great knowledge and command of European affairs and power of intervention, the Presidency was passed into the hands of a very recent new member nation, which (with all due respect to that person and that country) does not command the knowledge, the respect, which cannot and is not taken as a serious spokesman for all Europe.
The current Presidency has too little experience of World or European matters over the past 50 years, and currently finds itself in all sorts of internal problems, even to the point of proposing to "block" various European projects.
A member only for a couple of years, coming out of the old "Eastern Block" obviously time is needed to adjust to many new things, but no - In their wisdom, Europe gave them the "Rotating Presidency" at this important time in our history.
It recalled to me the installation of a European Minister for Fisheries who came from a country which had, and has, NO point of territorial connection with the Ocean or even a Sea! Just how is such a minister supposed to understand the mentalities of Fishermen...?
But - again, a position was required at Brussels for a new Community member state. Question of "standing".
Now it's time.
Getting rid of the rotating presidents is now imperative. Too much time is lost, too much influence world wide is lost, other World powers aren't sure they can take things seriously, as coming from the UNIFIED and FIRM European Community position. Too many other countries still beleive they will be able to undermine unified policies with "special partnerships" and "friendships".
After all in 3 months or 6 months this European Presidency will change again - take advantage of this one actually in place - they are more sympathetic towards us, and still fear our power to an extent.

How to do it?

What is required are Candidates! Preferably nominated by ALL Europeans, but controlled by a vote in the EuropeAN parliament, otherwise this "Unified Europe" would probably have literally thousands of proposed Presidents to vote for!
Certain names are currently being bandied around already, and the final choices must be acceptable to all member countries and citizens, in the frame of rival political points of view.
Effectively, a European President must be something exceptional - free - ie not tied to any one country or political party's point of view, capable of representing, correctly and fairly, the fisherman in Corsica, the Banker in London, the beerbrewer in Munich, even down to the haggis maker in Scotland!
Briefly - he must be capable of understanding and representing both inside and outside the European Community ALL members.
Sounds impossible, and most certainly, the first one must be an extremely "diplomatic Diplomate"!

But then - in the style of the USA (who also had all sorts of start-up hiccups at the beginning with Washington and Co..) "YOU CAN!" 

Why to do it

The main reasons I've already given above, but it is obvious that a continual Presidency for a period of minimum 4 years going to possible renewal, but with a maximum fixed by the European Parliament, would give some form of firm European Policy, represented by a President, independent of the Parliament itself, but elected by it. Obviously a President should NOT be dependant on the Parliament staying in place. Any changes in political strength or direction of a Parliament should NOT mean a change of President. A President is elected for the period decided, and apart from such "normal" legal aspects such as impeachment for a variety of reasons, it should not be possible to replace a duly elected European President.
In fact, Europe as a whole could profit from the mistakes made in the American (and other) systems, and could present the World with a firm, unified, definate visage and image for the future years, and not for a few months.
Nothing, not even the customary "machinations" of Politicians and Extremists, should be able to prevent this solid front, nothing should be able to stop the European President becoming the "most powerful and influential in the World".
This would not even stop the possibility of independant though and action within independant member states. Britain could still stay outside (at it's own peril) of the "euro" zone, Ireland could still vote "NO" - just because....but not for the European Constitution - that would be law!

How to secure it.

Ensure the powers of Ombudsmen, Mediators, etc. for the individual - particularly in the event of problems with the European Administration
Even more exciting and useful and powerful - for the European Citizen, would be the initiation of a "European Community Passport". A passport which any member of the European Community could request, independantly of his Original Country Passport, a Passport which would be automatically accepted in all member countries, for ALL matters (Tax, Administration, Social, Health, Security etc).

Even better - secure this Constitution with a common Health Service Assurance where EVERYBODY knows what rights and responsabilities they have - EVERYWHERE...!
Go further - a common Retirement system and Pension entitlement. Identical prices EVERYWHERE in member states, bearing local traditions and production in mind.
Dreams - nightmares...?   Hopes - Fears....?

Well - that's what Europe always was - and always will be...!

That's it! In other words, do something for EVERYBODY in Europe, and we'll probably end up with the USA asking for membership.......!


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