Microsoft - problems with the brass....

Here's a story about "GENUINE ADVANTAGE" from Microsoft!
It seems that Microsoft are feeling the pinch! (Full story)

Software giant sends a letter to some of the 1,400 employees it laid off last month letting them know they were overcompensated and that it would like the money back.

Then I got this enlightening e-mail from Microsoft:

Si les images ne s’affichent pas

c’est normal.

Il n’y en a pas.

The French means:"if there are no images shown, that's because there aren't any - find them yourself!"

Nous avons préféré vous laisser découvrir
par vous même les possibilités d’Expression Web.

Relation développeurs, designers et enseignement supérieur
Microsoft France

(You can follow the clear and precise orders from Microsoft by clicking on the title of this article!)
Just how much does it cost Microsoft to produce what they sell for a snall fortune, and why didn't they inform their laid off employees by e-mail?
Probably because they suspect that being on a Windows system, it probably wouldn't arrive....!
In any case, I suspect the ex-employees are all on "LINUX"!


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