March 2009 - Everything about the time change
Sunday 29 March at 2 am it will be 3 h. It is the transition to summer time.
Better adaptation to the rhythm of the sun or unnecessary disruption of biological rhythms?
The debate has lasted a long time.
Why change the time?
Energy saving, environmental impact, impact on road safety ... The arguments for or against the time change abound.
Each year you must delay your watches in the winter and for summer advance them.
Real source of economy or disruption of natural biological rhythm: what do you think of the time change?
The shift to daylight saving time does not pose any problems "
NOT what Eléonore Gabarain, president of the Association Against Double Summer Time who has been fighting for over 20 years for its removal, thinks!
The double French DST : France and other Central European countries will actually be 2 hours ahead of the sun.
When spring arrives, it is necessary to advance your watch an hour, France is actually 2 hours ahead of the sun!