Next Festival period....

I wanted to do a thing on Spring, but looking back, I saw that I have already "didded" one last week or so. I haven't, however, done a real one on Easter, so hard luck, folks!
Spring is Easter, and Easter is Spring, everyone knows that! I think one could safely call them Spring Eggs, or Easter Lamb, but I still am trying to figure out where the hell the bunny rabbit or the hare came from, and when.
Apart from the religious connotations you have all given to Easter, I associate it with buying half carcases of lamb, or even whole carcases. I had a tendance to glutton myself on Roast lamb, boiled lamb, lamb stews and all the other lovelies! Now, as a poor pensioner, this is beyond me, and having no teeth any more anyway, I couldn't bite lustily into the lovely rose/pink meat
They say that a good memory makes up for certain things, I've got a lousy memory, but - I can still recall the cracking of the skin on the outside of a nicely done leg of lamb, and the juices running down the side of my mouth, to be mopped up by my beard - for later! Of course, one couldn't really transpose "Spring" cleaning for "Easter" cleaning, but I think everybody would know what you meant.
Tinkerbelle and all the other fairies are probably getting geared up right now, and all the common gentlemen are frantically seeking excuses not to be at home. Maybe it'll rain all Spring!!
Anyway, I've sent a little red rose for the girlies, and NOTHING for the brutes, except a patate or two.
I was interested to see that a thing called "Jewish Easter" exists, and I've sent you all the card on this Blogsite.
Have a nice time, with melting eggs in chocolate, and roasted lamb in abundance - but please don't cover it with that stuff - "mint sauce" - Don't forget that poor little lamb once went "baaaahh" and left this world to offer you a sublime dish - don't waste it!

Easter, in France, is as most festivals, another excuse to over indulge, and although I'm STRICTLY not allowed, I join in, in so far as the financial position allows!
I just so like many of the things to be found, and I make up for it later...sometimes!
Of course - sometimes I forget......!

©iwmpop - Mars/March 2009

©iwmpop Mars 2009.


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