Next Festival period....
Spring is Easter, and Easter is Spring, everyone knows that! I think one could safely call them Spring Eggs, or Easter Lamb, but I still am trying to figure out where the hell the bunny rabbit or the hare came from, and when.
Apart from the religious connotations you have all given to Easter, I associate it with buying half carcases of lamb, or even whole carcases. I had a tendance to glutton myself on Roast lamb, boiled lamb, lamb stews and all the other lovelies! Now, as a poor pensioner, this is beyond me, and having no teeth any more anyway, I couldn't bite lustily into the lovely rose/pink meat
They say that a good memory makes up for certain things, I've got a lousy memory, but - I can still recall the cracking of the skin on the outside of a nicely done leg of lamb, and the juices running down the side of my mouth, to be mopped up by my beard - for later! Of course, one couldn't really transpose "Spring" cleaning for "Easter" cleaning, but I think everybody would know what you meant.
Anyway, I've sent a little red rose for the girlies, and NOTHING for the brutes, except a patate or two.
Have a nice time, with melting eggs in chocolate, and roasted lamb in abundance - but please don't cover it with that stuff - "mint sauce" - Don't forget that poor little lamb once went "baaaahh" and left this world to offer you a sublime dish - don't waste it!
Easter, in France, is as most festivals, another excuse to over indulge, and although I'm STRICTLY not allowed, I join in, in so far as the financial position allows!
I just so like many of the things to be found, and I make up for it later...sometimes!
©iwmpop - Mars/March 2009
©iwmpop Mars 2009.