
Showing posts from May, 2009
Image Holiday time...? "Chez mr le marquis" - it's holiday time all year round! Click the link to see and read about it....... 1 - The South of France is not all about glamour - and that’s a good thing Visit the Pont du Gard Sure, there is the James Bond -worthy casinos at Monte Carlo , the mega-yachts of St. Tropez and the star-studded Cannes Film Festival . But if you think that’s all there is, you’re missing out on an astonishing array of simple, affordable experiences that make even the locals sigh with pleasure. For example, in the back country off the coast you can attend the Jasmine Festival held every August 3 in Grasse , the perfume capital of the world, or water jousting tournaments in Sète ; have a riverside picnic in the shadow of the ancient Pont du Gard , a testament to Roman ingenuity; participate in the Fête de Vendanges in Ouveillan, with its traditional music and parades; or...

ANOTHER long weekend!

He wants to take part in this long weekend as well...! He's working over this long weekend "Pentecote" - at the "Feria de Nimes" And this poor young lady is keeping her family's breakfast - WARM....! BUT....she's free over the long weekend......... And - don't be deceived - it wasn't the mouse, it's just that "long weekend syndrom".....! HAVE A NICE TIME.........!

Petite Camargue - programme

Because it's holiday time, here is the local programme for you...! You can read it in English or French - just as you wish - or can....! ********************* CAMARGUE-NEWS N°54 June, one of the most pleasant months in the Camargue , in Alpilles and the South the Cevennes june 2009 IN THE CAMARGUE AND PETITE CAMARGUE ...

Not Politics-common sense and politeness...!

Image Should Queen Elizabeth II have been invited on the 6 June 1990...? It's not a question of politics, just common sense and politeness . Now, between them, Sarkozy & Obama , not even born at the time, have successfully made us really think about their capabilities,. Intelligence, diplomacy, common sense and politeness do not seem to have their place! It's in French, but the numbers are understandable! These are NORMAL French voters....shame their leaders aren't normal..! ************** L'Internaute > Actualite > Tous les sondages > Fallait-il inviter Elizabeth II aux cérémonies du 6 juin ? Votre avis : Fallait-il inviter Elizabeth II aux cérémonies du 6 juin ? Suivant Selon le Daily Mail , la reine d' Angleterre aurait peu apprécié de ne pas avoir été invitée pour les cérémonies du 6 juin ...