Not Politics-common sense and politeness...!
Should Queen Elizabeth II have been invited on the 6 June 1990...?
It's not a question of politics, just common sense and politeness.
Now, between them, Sarkozy & Obama, not even born at the time, have successfully made us really think about their capabilities,.
Intelligence, diplomacy, common sense and politeness do not seem to have their place! It's in French, but the numbers are understandable! These are NORMAL French voters....shame their leaders aren't normal..!
Should Queen Elizabeth II have been invited on the 6 June 1990...?
It's not a question of politics, just common sense and politeness.
Now, between them, Sarkozy & Obama, not even born at the time, have successfully made us really think about their capabilities,.
Intelligence, diplomacy, common sense and politeness do not seem to have their place! It's in French, but the numbers are understandable! These are NORMAL French voters....shame their leaders aren't normal..!
L'Internaute > Actualite > Tous les sondages > Fallait-il inviter Elizabeth II aux cérémonies du 6 juin ? | |||||||||||
Selon le Daily Mail, la reine d'Angleterre aurait peu apprécié de ne pas avoir été invitée pour les cérémonies du 6 juin en Normandie. Fallait-il l'inviter selon vous ? Démarré le 27/05/2009 | 211 votes | Résultat au 27/05/2009
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