Brits don't like Europe-but even so.......

You don't have to like it, but you're in it, so use it...!


P. Nikiforos Diamandouros

The European Ombudsman


It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to my new website, with which I aim to radically improve the Internet service that I provide to citizens. The design of the new site is focused on giving visitors clear, succinct, and easily-understandable information on what the European Ombudsman can and cannot do. It offers an overview of the results that the Ombudsman achieves, and explains how to lodge a complaint.

Most importantly, to help you identify the most appropriate body to turn to with your complaint, the new site features an interactive guide which contains a series of simple questions, and advice based on the replies to those questions. This service should prove particularly useful for citizens, businesses, and other organisations throughout Europe.

The website will be regularly updated with case summaries, press releases, and details of upcoming events, which I hope will prove an invaluable resource for all those who follow the Ombudsman's work.
Enjoy visiting the new website and please feel free to contact me with any feedback or suggestions that you wish to make.

All the best,

P. Nikiforos Diamandouros

Meeting of the Liaison Officers of the European Network of Ombudsmen

Meeting of the Liaison Officers of the European Network of Ombudsmen

Calendar of activities

Questions about Europe?Your Europe - The portal to on-line European and national public servicesDebate Europe - Have your say on the future of Europe!Treaty of Lisbon

At a glance

At a glance

The European Ombudsman investigates complaints about maladministration in the institutions and bodies of the European Union.

If you are a citizen of a Member State of the Union or reside in a Member State, you can make a complaint to the European Ombudsman. Businesses, associations or other bodies with a registered office in the Union may also complain to the Ombudsman.


Who can help you?

Who can help you?

Interactive guide

Would you like to lodge a complaint or do you have a request for information?

Summaries of cases

Blacklisting of an NGO (Added on: 01 June 2009)

Summary of decision on own-initiative inquiry OI/3/2007/GG concerning the European Commission

In 1996, a German NGO which supports refugees and victims of war requested the Commission that it be allowed to sign the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) with a view to carrying out humanitarian work in co-operation with the Commission. In 2001, the Commission rejected the NGO's application. In an internal note drawn up by a head of unit within the Commission in 2001 and addressed to other heads of unit, its author stated that she "would be grateful if you would ensure that your staff is informed of the situation so that we can avoid any involvement with this NGO".


Deliberate disadvantaging of an NGO with regard to a partnership application (Added on: 25 May 2009)
E-mail dispute involving an academic researcher and a Commission official (Added on: 20 May 2009)
All summaries...

Press releases

15 June 2009: Ombudsman: Commission unfairly excluded Italian company from EUR 4 million tender

The European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, has criticised the European Commission for unfairly excluding an Italian company from a EUR 4 million tender. This follows a complaint from the company which led a consortium that bid for an EU project concerning the harmonisation of energy policies between the EU and Russia. The Commission recalculated the consortium's bid without consulting the complainant. As a result of its recalculation, it wrongly concluded that the bid exceeded the maximum allowable budget of EUR 4 million by 21 euros. On this basis, it excluded the bid from the tender.

In a proposal for a friendly solution, the Ombudsman advised the Commission to compensate the company. The Commission, however, rejected the proposal. Mr Diamandouros commented: "I regret that the Commission did not accept my proposal to rectify the serious instances of maladministration in this case. A fair treatment of applicants for EU projects is key to ensuring that EU tenders are conducted according to the highest standards. The net effect of the Commission's behaviour is to leave the complainant with no other option but to take the matter to court."


02 June 2009: EIB accepts Ombudsman's recommendation concerning Spanish high-speed train project
04 May 2009: Ombudsman finds no evidence of confidentiality breach by the Commission in Ryanair/Aer Lingus case
All press releases...


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