Madoff-IE 8-Google....
Madoff gets maximum 150 years in prison
Bernard Madoff has been sentenced to the maximum 150 years in prison for his multibillion-dollar fraud scheme. U.S. District Judge Denny Chin handed down the sentence in New York on Monday.
AND I GOT 6 hours with another bunch of barmies - The inventors of "Internet Explorer 8"!
Whoever thought this monster up deserves 160 years, no key - indeed no lock - no nothing!
6 hours of prodding about, saying that "this" and "that" is acceptable - my life - even I could produce a better and more secure Browser - all you do is make it 5 times more obtrusive than the most obtrusive anti-virus programme, or just twice as obtrusive as the other Microsoft product - "Live One Care" (don't bother trying it, it takes you a couple of hours to install, and then it tells you that you can use it for 90 days or so - about the length of time Mr B Madoff will spend in the company of those big boys in prison who are looking forward to "fresh meat"!)
Frankly - Windows, Microsoft, and anything to do with them is more and more impossible.
They will eventually push it so far and find themselves out - in the cold - and they won't understand why!
They incite you to update to the "most secure browser ever" (course it is - it hardly works, and everybody knows, those who don't work make less mistakes)- when you've figured out that it is - well - what it is, they tell
you that you can't go back to the older one - the one that "almost" worked! Of course - it's not them, it's your eqipment, and you should go out and buy NEW - with (logically)............WINDOWS 7!
Throw your recently purchased "Vista" out of the Window, and the most successful "XP Pro" - well - update it yourself!
I think you can go back to IE 7, but probably only if you re-install Windows completely! Mind you - that would only take an hour or so!
Why bother?Firefox, Chrome, Opera
And they're right! The guinea piggies all use it, and wonder why they are always having trouble!
Even Governmental offices impose the using of it - many Administrations insisting on their programmes (tax payment by Internet for example)only being usable WITH INTERNET EXPLORER - from Microsoft windows!
Does somebody get paid something - somewhere....?
In any case, until we all get the idea that we'll have to learn about things like "Linux" - "Ubunto" - and various others out there, Microsoft will continue looking down on us from its Windows......and laugh!
Create an operating system - can it be as difficult as all that?
Even if those nuts who run around trying to create bugs and virus and traps to annoy us all were to create an o/s - I bet it would be better than Microsoft Windows!
I'm a "Google" fan, and my question is simple - Why can't Google create an o/s?
Is it all copyright protected or what..? Is it too expensive - even for Google.....?
I have trouble finding out WHY Google, with all of it's wonderful and working programmes, can't do something so simple.....?
I'd buy get started......!
Bernard Madoff has been sentenced to the maximum 150 years in prison for his multibillion-dollar fraud scheme. U.S. District Judge Denny Chin handed down the sentence in New York on Monday.
AND I GOT 6 hours with another bunch of barmies - The inventors of "Internet Explorer 8"!
6 hours of prodding about, saying that "this" and "that" is acceptable - my life - even I could produce a better and more secure Browser - all you do is make it 5 times more obtrusive than the most obtrusive anti-virus programme, or just twice as obtrusive as the other Microsoft product - "Live One Care" (don't bother trying it, it takes you a couple of hours to install, and then it tells you that you can use it for 90 days or so - about the length of time Mr B Madoff will spend in the company of those big boys in prison who are looking forward to "fresh meat"!)
Frankly - Windows, Microsoft, and anything to do with them is more and more impossible.
They will eventually push it so far and find themselves out - in the cold - and they won't understand why!
They incite you to update to the "most secure browser ever" (course it is - it hardly works, and everybody knows, those who don't work make less mistakes)- when you've figured out that it is - well - what it is, they tell
Throw your recently purchased "Vista" out of the Window, and the most successful "XP Pro" - well - update it yourself!
I think you can go back to IE 7, but probably only if you re-install Windows completely! Mind you - that would only take an hour or so!
Why bother?Firefox, Chrome, Opera
Image via CrunchBase
And they're right! The guinea piggies all use it, and wonder why they are always having trouble!
Even Governmental offices impose the using of it - many Administrations insisting on their programmes (tax payment by Internet for example)only being usable WITH INTERNET EXPLORER - from Microsoft windows!
Does somebody get paid something - somewhere....?
In any case, until we all get the idea that we'll have to learn about things like "Linux" - "Ubunto" - and various others out there, Microsoft will continue looking down on us from its Windows......and laugh!
Image via CrunchBase
Create an operating system - can it be as difficult as all that?
Even if those nuts who run around trying to create bugs and virus and traps to annoy us all were to create an o/s - I bet it would be better than Microsoft Windows!
Is it all copyright protected or what..? Is it too expensive - even for Google.....?
Image via CrunchBase
I have trouble finding out WHY Google, with all of it's wonderful and working programmes, can't do something so simple.....?
I'd buy get started......!