Short story.....

Googly spaghetti problems.

Whilst eating my spaghetti bolognese, I suddenly found myself presented with an "update" from Google to their programme/app "Picasa" which until then had worked perfectly.

Leaving my spaghetti for a moment, I watched, with apprehension, as the update installed itself.
It took a long time - at least the time of half a bottle of good red!

And-since I know all about Google updates, I warned it that if it didn't work as well as before, there would be trouble!

They didn't listen to me, and it didn't work any more at all!
So..... feeling a bit glum, I tried it again and again!

But it still didn't want to know! Question - why can't those whizz kids at Google leave things that work well alone?
Don't touch 'em, or give us at least the choice to keep the old version.
So now.....I'm trying again - 24 hours later.......!
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