Simple tip from "World Start".....

www.worldstart.comI use them all the time - keyboard shortcuts, so I never really thought about it, but for those of you with IE or Firefox etc here is an interesting little snippet. Chrome is something else....!
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Worldstart Computer Tips 8-13-2010
Quick Tips

Alt Key Menu Letters
In just about every program you use, you may have noticed that the toolbar at the top (the one with File, Edit, View, etc.) has underlined letters. The “F” in File has a little underline the “V” in View and so on...

Like this:

Well, if you press your Alt key and a corresponding letter...

For example: Alt+T

Poof! The Tools menu opens! So press Alt+F for file, Alt+E for Edit, Alt+Vfor view - anything with an underlined letter should work.

I like this method, because after the menu opens I can use the arrow keys to move and select what I want!

Give it a try today!


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