3 years later - and still no change...!


               November!                        mercredi 31 octobre 2007
                                                                                                                                     No, you’re not seeing wrong!  The date is correct, and so is the title! I'm just republishing this so you can all compare the November to come with the one that was.......
          It’s just that the favourite theme of mine – the Annual month of November – seems to be getting longer and longer, every year!
Already the worst month in the Calendar, it is expanding its influence into October and December. 
No matter how many pictures entitled "naughty November" are exposed, it won't cheer me up.  
What happens when it finally expands to cover all other 11 months of the year?
Maybe a bullet in the head?
The problem with November is that it lies between summer holidays and Christmas festivities. 
The clocks go awry, the weather as well, note books and wallets are empty, the weather is grey and dismal, people are curt and abrupt (even more so than normal).  Influenza starts making the rounds, and – as if all that wasn’t enough – the “dead” month lives up to it’s reputation, with Religious festivities for the dead, followed by civil ceremonies for the remembrance of the dead, followed by other things for the dead, the leaves on the trees are dead, as are many other things, like the wish to do your job correctly!
Oh yes - the Americans have there "thanksgiving" feast (although why they can't just say Harvest festival like every one else baffles me) and they consume massive doses of the cardiac germs
Turkey with stuffing and trimmings... Then they're ill......!
Normal - it's November.....!
Why are all these festivities and ceremonies in November?
Well – I think it’s the nature of the month! 
Before it was even called November, doubtlessly many “nasty” or bad things happened, so somebody said – “Feels just like a November”! 
It’s in November’s days that Pensions don’t turn up on time, taxes are finally due or a penalty must be paid, wages are reduced, you get your telephone cut off through no fault of your own, Banks suddenly decide to call in that loan, the car has a seizure, at the minimum - humidity in the spark plugs, or a battery not up to the cooler weather, at the maximum -  a heart attack with the motor seized up!
Petrol prices go through the roof, so do all the other heating fuels prices (strange that they never go up in Summer, isn’t it, and even stranger that increased brute prices are passed on immediately, but brute price decreases are never passed on at all).
No - it's not strange - it’s November! 
The wife, the girlfriend, the boyfriend or whoever, chooses this time of the year to announce they are “pregnant” – have “caught” AIDS (both results of the Summer frenzies) – are fed up and want a divorce – and all manner of other things.
It’s November and it's shaping up to be a beauty....
Actually, thinking about it, I don’t know ANYBODY who was born in November! 
If they were, they hide the fact!
I, myself, only just made it before the start of that infamous month, but now that it is expanding its influence, well…………!
 When it reaches Christmas time, it’ll still be… November!
I think, on the whole I'd do better stayin' home and putting up with all of November's little tricks:

mre le marquis (iwmpop)      -    Vauvert, France     -   Oct 2010 


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