A few words in passing....

Just yesterday I made some comments on Facebook regarding the Tramway at Montpellier, and this morning I wake up to hear that the "Champion" of this project, Georges Freche, is dead.He died yesterday evening,  in his office at Montpellier, signing papers in his position of Président du Languedoc-Roussillon.
Long time Maire de Montpellier, he died from a heart attack, despite having been operated earlier at the beginning the century.
He was well known for various outspoken things, he was what the French call a
 "provocateur"  and had been expelled from his party - The Socialists, in 2008 for being too outspoken, but continued, as an "Independant Socialist" to win the last Regional election and stay in his position.
It's a strange co-incidence that I, and my wife, lived in Bavaria, Western Germany, when the President of Bavaria, Franz-Josef STRAUSS,  died unexpectedly and abruptly.
There were many similarities in their characters, although the one was Socialist the other the opposite, somehow they both found themselves on a very similar political direction.
These things always shock and recall to us that the statement "tomorrow is another day" whilst being true is not always the case for everyone.
It remains to be seen how the Region and its habitants will react to the disappearance of someone who raised Montpellier from very little to the 8th city in France, over more than 30 years of influence.
iwmpop (mrlemarquis)   -    Vauvert, Languedoc-Roussillon, France  -   Octobre 2010


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