
Showing posts from May, 2011


Just a few "touches" and additions......

How ya doin' today, tomorrow.....and later?

Image by iwmpop via Flickr I live in France , as most of you know, and I'm happy to say that France has one of, if indeed not the best, National Health Assurance systems, in the world. Image via Wikipedia Being of British Nationality , but having spent most of my adult life in Germany , I've had experience with all of those other systems, as well as many others - countries where I have worked. Whilst it is true that I've never really had to use them often until recently, I am impressed by the services offered, once you understand them! If, like me, you are classified as "long term illness" - which includes many things, notably Heart conditions, but also Diabetics and many other conditions, then you are taken in charge for all of your medicaments, all treatments, even for the transport by taxi or ambulance or emergency services to wherever you need to go, at 100%. The only complaints I would have is the lack of (as usual) Dental Treatment - those gangst...

Now-here's an offer ya can't refuse.....

These beautiful creations are for the Chicago, USA area Not only beautiful, but ECONOMIC - you don't have to water tthem or weed them or trim them or take off the dead flowers and leaves and things....just DUST 'em off... Ideal for offices and reception areas.... Don't leave it too long- contact me.

The Power Game

Football, otherwise known as "footie", or more generally "Soccer", also known as "the great game",  has been going for a long time and so has its biggest problem - the Power Game. The regal game has fallen foul, like many other Society aspects nowadays, of that thing called MONEY, the unceasing search for more and more and more of the stuff, and the machinations of people to get it. One, indeed the most important of these people, you can see above. Mr Sepp Blatter has never played Soccer in earnest. By birth, Swiss, which frankly - for me - already makes him suspicious, he has been the "Grey Eminence" in the great game for a very long time, going back to before 1975, and almost ALL of the time has been under various clouds of suspicion as a perusal of the link above will show you. It is rare indeed, that " Wikipaedia " shows little than "grey zones" and ridiculises t...

On the road again....again....

Image via Wikipedia We just left the area of the Airport and Mauguio-Carnon, and passed over to a place called " Lunel ". There are so many places of interest just within those 10 - 15 miles that it would need a tome thicker than the Encyclopaedia Britannique to tell you all about them. From Baillargues, with its "Massane" International Golf Course (for the rich - but then all tourists are rich aren't they!) through Castries , where I lived for some years, with it's typical "Eglise" and Chateau (both visitable) an old Roman settlement of historical military value, and with its Aquaduct which does NOT date (for a change) from Roman times , but was actually built to bring water to the Chateau of Castries by the "Duc de Castries" in the 1670's. It passes right through the town to the Chateau, crossing major roads  ..and countryside alike. It is a worthwhile wander track since it's not too long (and in the normal heat, that's ...

Have a nice weekend......

Image by iwmpop via Flickr If the weather stays as it is, then I can wish you a "Happy Weekend"....... You could do this...or you could suffer from this...... ...either way - have a nice weekend..! Related articles Mr. G's Weekend Forecast: Warmer Temps, Less Rain! ( Is the weekend here yet ( Holiday Weekend Thoughts & 90s Near! (

Bugs, bugs and RAPTURE......!

Image via Wikipedia End of the world.....? To be honest, I'm more convinced that the end of the world will be rather more quiet than we all think, much less spectacular than nuclear bombs or accidents, even less than comets crashing into the earth's surface. Image via Wikipedia Very possibly the end of the world will come from something simple, but effective as this: Bad Bug Book > BBB - Escherichia coli O157:H7 ( EHEC ) A little bit of information........?  With no pleasure: You can find it, and you do find it, in nearly everything we need.....great to know isn't it! Image via Wikipedi This is it.....................................nice, colourful little thing....isn't it. enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli    Also found in:  Acronyms enterohemorrhagic  Escherichia coli  (EHEC) [-hem′ôraj′ik] a strain of  E. coli  that causes hemorrhage in the intestines . The organism produces shiga toxin , which da...

once upon another time....!

L' Estelle , Perols, France. The above picture is of my "domaine" at a place called "L'Estelle" in Perols, close to Montpellier . The green grass "English style" was very unusual for the area, you don't often see it....the road junction outside was (unbeknown to me) named " Carrefour des Roses" (Rose junction) and my roses WERE a sight to behold! Just a shame that we fell into the hands of an "escroc" (a swindler) and an English one to boot.....! You see........ I didn't always live in a small appartment, I even lived in big appartments, and even a HOUSE.....That was in the days when I was posh! Now I'm happy living in my little appartment, it's less work, less expensive and I can always plead lack of space when people I don't want to invite are looking for an invitation. It is probably STILL the cheapest place in the South of France ! Image by iwmpop via Flickr Of course, there are people who it...

Camargue News - en Francais ou Anglais....!

Voila....c'est pas trop difficile de savoir les choses qui se passe...en Anglais ou Français....changez la langue sur la page! ******** See - it isn't too difficult to know what's going on in the Camargue - in English or French......just change the language on the page...or below.... ********* CAMARGUE-NEWS N°76 Juin, l'un des mois les plus agréables en Camargue, dans les Alpilles et le Sud Cévennes juin 2011

Those little plants--Les petites plantes-Die kleinen Pflanzen.....

3 weeks ago...Vor 3 Wochen....Il y a trois semaines.... ************** Today....Aujourd'hui.....Heute......! And the other one - no leaves this year, just flowers....! Und... die Andere...kein Grünzeug dieses Jahre - nur Blumen.....! Et...l'autre....pas de verdure cette année - que des fleurs.....! Ich gebe auf....J'abandonne....I'm giving up.....! Google search-" iwmpop " - " mrlemarquis " Facebook: Ian Mitchell     -     Twitter: Mr le Marquis Related articles History being written..... ( C'est sure....certain sure...Ganz sicher.... (