Bugs, bugs and RAPTURE......!

Nuclear weapon test Romeo (yield 11 Mt) on Bik...Image via Wikipedia
End of the world.....?
To be honest, I'm more convinced that the end of the world will be rather more quiet than we all think, much less spectacular than nuclear bombs or accidents, even less than comets crashing into the earth's surface.
WMD world mapImage via Wikipedia
Very possibly the end of the world will come from something simple, but effective as this:

Bad Bug Book > BBB - Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC)

A little bit of information........? 
With no pleasure: You can find it, and you do find it, in nearly everything we need.....great to know isn't it!

Escherichia coli: Gram negative rod off a cult...Image via Wikipedi
This is it.....................................nice, colourful little thing....isn't it.

enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli

   Also found in: Acronyms
enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC)
a strain of E. coli that causes hemorrhage in the intestines. The organism produces shiga toxin, which damages bowel tissue, causing intestinal ischemia and colonic necrosis. Symptoms are stomach cramping and bloody diarrhea. An infectious dose may be as low as 10 organisms. Spread by contaminated beef, unpasteurized milk and juice, sprouts, lettuce, and salami, as well as contaminated water, the infection can be serious although there may be no fever. Treatment consists of antibiotics and maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance. In advanced cases, surgical removal of portions of the bowel may be required.
Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.

Right now, at this moment, you may be eating it! Cooking - not even boiling - kills it!
The National German news has just, this very evening, brought out a general warning - it's been found in these things:....just at the moment when everyone is sitting down to eat them!
It's hot in Germany too right now!
They've been found in just about everything, and we eat everything. The only thing they don't seem to have found it in is..... Sheep's Eyes....!

German E.coli outbreak spreads to Sweden

The Local.se - 2 hours ago
Ten Swedes are severly ill and many more have fallen ill after catching the virulent enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) bacteria following the recent ...
German salad warning after food poisoning deaths‎ - AFP
UK Agency Warns Travelers to Germany of E. coli Outbreak‎ - Bloomberg
Deutsche Welle Monsters and Critics.com
all 124 news articles »

Oh yes........BONNE APPÉTIT.......
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